D.I.Y Package

       Y Not Package

       SOHO Package

       H.S.H Package

       Gen Y Package

       Senior Package

Do It Yourself, Yes You Can!

Never you can get away with Aussie CAN DO attitude,  but if you are an unregistered cabler who is not properly supervised or if the work performed does not comply with the Wiring Rules it is a criminal offence and you could face an on-the-spot fine of $1,320, or if court action is taken, the fine can be up to $13,200, not to mention it may invalidate your property ensurance police.
However, you can do cabling work under direct supervison by a cabler who is registered for the type of work you are doning. We will:
  1. ensure that you are directly supervised;
  2. take full responsibility for the standard of the work completed;
  3. ensure all work complies with the relevant competency requirements and the Wiring Rules; and
  4. complete a Telecommunications cabling advice form
Contact us to find out how much cost it going to save you.